Swarnrekha Prachya Vidya Sodha Sanstan
Swarnrekha Prachya vidya sodha sansthan is a of research wing S.G.I in ancient literature , sanskrit , yoga , astrology , ayurveda , vedic lliterature , indology , accupressure , accupuncture , unani medicine ,etc.
The research center is located in swarnrekha buliding complex , and has state of art research facilities , reading rooms, discussion rooms, library , computer lab , etc.
Leaders and experts in the field join the students in the campus to dwell in the deep treasure of knowledge.
eminent scholars like Prof. Dr. Chnadrakant Shukla ( Recipient of president Awards ) has been our mentor and guiding light.
The centre has more than 10,000 collection of rare to find books and journals.
some of the publications under the leader ship of Our Founder Dr. S.P. Singh are mentioned in this page.